
Archive for March, 2020

The chaos that the whole world is experiencing right now is really overwhelming. Suddenly, everywhere in the world movement is restricted, businesses are halted, schools and offices are closed. Suddenly, the way everyone carry out their day-to-day lives changed.

کُنْ فَیَکون (kun fa ya kun) …

Guess this is His way to cleanse all the things that humans are doing to destroy the earth and kill each other. Suddenly, pollution reduces and people start to eat healthy food at home and bond with family. People begin to appreciate those things that they took for granted. We groaned when we had to go to work, but now we found out that working from home has many distractions. We like to procrastinate our visit to our parents’ with the excuse that we are very busy. Now we long to see our parents, hug them, kiss them. We were lazy to cook, but now we are in the kitchen almost 6 hours a day, and we realize that home cooking is not that bad. Could even be tastier than the food we purchase from outside. And of course, healthier.

There are many things that this disaster is teaching us. My prayer is that everyone comes out of this pandemic as a changed person. A better person.

Stay at home and stay safe everyone!

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